see also. Somewhere in her mind hovered concern and alarm that she was here in this strange place, far away from home, with this guy she had just met. Somewhere was the knowledge that she should not be here, and that this could be very bad for her. The problem was, she could sense those tendrils of thought, but they were hiding in the scrambled recesses of her mind. She just could not concentrate enough to find them and examine them. When the next come took her over, she forgot that they were even hiding. “Cocksucker,” Phil muttered. He walked out and asked the library technician if the school had a copy of InDesign available for student use. Phil had never heard of the program. The technician pointed him to a single terminal. He followed Phil over, opened up the file and hit the print button. The 300 pages cost Phil $30 to print. He growled when he read the opening paragraph.“Is this the only terminal in the entire library with that program?” he asked the tech.The tech nodded and told Phil it.Read More